Empty Chats, Full Hearts

The life came to a halt with the onset of pandemic and has pretty much not resumed since. It has almost been 6 months and pretty much there are mainly two types of people.

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First, the front line workers, from sweepers to doctors, who do not know what next is in store for them and will they live to tell the horror tale. Every day for them is a new challenge and the battle seems to be no stopping for them.Second are the people who are staying at home, unemployed or working from home who have been living life in suspended animation. It feels like life has become the same mundane rhythm with little to no change at all. Same laptop, same walls, same clothes, same food and same people, it is enough to make one go crazy. While they are lucky to not have to actively fight any battles but aren’t we all?

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The technology was an essential part of what kept us connected in these times. it kept us entertained, invigorated and informed from the safety of our house. It helped us stay connected to our near and dear ones and also for a lot of us to retain our jobs. There was this initial period of this isolation when things were exciting. The hobbies were being explored, you caught up with your people more often. Soon the days of wonder went and it was overcome by this overload of digital screens and media.

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Raise your hand if you personally wished to chuck your phone/laptop/tablet away due to the frustration the device brings you? Me too, I mean it was too much. It still is, a lot of calls, texts, video calls, emails and a lot less of going out. It is overwhelming because earlier chats and texts were kind of deeper personal contact methods and now, they are just there for everyone. There is only so much a person can chat or call and that quota is already filled up by work and academics that you just do not want to make the effort of casual conversations. You too reduced the number of texts and calls to your friends for the sake of quiet. You also reduced your screen time because it literally hurts your eyes now to see any more screen. Videocalls are now not a fun gimmick anymore but more of a tedious chore and you just can’t wait to get a break from it.

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It is hard, to keep up with friends, life has nothing new which you can tell your friends. The topics are becoming stale and the chats are becoming shorter. Video calls are just long pauses of silence looking at each others’ faces, wanting to be there in person. Now when it seems very hard to want to connect to people, there are some of us, still trying. Maybe the chats are not that big and juicy but a simple “how are you?” is enough to know that there is someone wanting to be with you when every grain of their body doesn’t.

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Our friendships are strengthening or failing over lack of something new to tell, it is reminding us that at the end, who is it that we still want to be in touch with when there is nothing new to tell about. How something trivial like pleasantries is now more meaningful as it is the only sensible way left to write a few words. It is now when our chats are becoming empty, our hearts are becoming full. How the playful river of relationships are now solemn deltas and only those relations who did not dry up in the way are ones enjoying the infinite ocean of adoration, relation and care.So yes, staying connected is hard when it healthier for us to disconnect from the world but if someone puts the effort for it, they deserve the world!

Who is your ocean? Ring them up and tell them how much they mean to you and how they are the colour of your greyed out life.

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