Taking a Break

New party member! Tags: episode 11 abc nick the bachelor finale ...Routine, Responsibilities, Resources, Relations and Recreation, they are what create a lifetime of a being. We all have the same 24 hours but just that ratio of the 5R’s is different in each our lives. Despite that, we all are bound to juggle each and every aspect with great skill and let not a single ball drop to consider what we call a successful life. What people don’t know is that you CAN drop a single ball for a moment and pick it up after a little time, or maybe just take a break once in a while from the whole juggling situation.

Escape GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHYWait, Does that sound escapist to you? To be honest, to some it will, but trust me, as long as you make a mistake in the public eye and acknowledge it you are not escaping. Accepting your failures or the fact you are not what everyone expects is a crushing burden. The world has eternally screwed itself -by its own standards of perfection and perception of success. There are people working hard, and long to break the stigma around the fear of success and more importantly of the failure.

This Is Too Much GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY We have created this illusion of standards and raising stakes in everything we do, be it even leisure. With all these hustlers, flexers, cool entrepreneurs, life vloggers, actors, mavericks, reality moguls and every other remotely famous identity showing how large their life is, how busy their schedules are how OTT their lives are and how they just manage to get over every issue of their perfect life. I mean come on! Fictional TV is more real than the lives of these people. Not to discredit the hard work and effort they put in painting the lives perfect, but I ask them, “Is it really worth it in the end?”

These benchmarks created by these people are neither pioneering nor making life easier for anyone. All they are doing is feeding us an utopian ideal of a do-it-all multi-talented, multi-tasking successful person with the awesome squad, perfect hair, bright teeth and loads of money.Best Kung Fu Panda Peace GIFs | Gfycat We as humans are wired  to find higher stability to anchor ourselves to it. With the advent of social media, growing mental health issues and shifting to a somewhat dystopian reality, we are all somewhere losing our will to exist  (so Millenial!). We are trying to ‘leave everything behind to search our soul’ when we forget to realise our soul lies within us here itself. We just fail to appreciate life once in a while when we are so wound up with things that matter not much in the greater scheme of things.

relax gif ⋆ BYT // Brightest Young ThingsI certainly understand this coming from a position of luxury; will sound purely elitist to a lot of people who are not at a loftier point in life. To all such people I can say that, it is not just my experience but of a lot of different people, some of them who were in the position you are in. I do not ask you to go astray to your goals or to squander this existence. I urge you to realise how important it is to take a few beaks, to relax, and realign yourself for the next day. The grind is tough so you need to stop and remind yourself that why you do this and that when you realise, how important it is to take a break. In the end, you are the one who matters the most to you and maybe the ones closest to you. These people will rather see you be at peace and reach your goals a little delayed than see you lose yourself in the process of becoming what society thinks is great.

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