Fathoming Feminism

Fact- Discrimination against women exists.

Fact- Men have it easier.

Lie- Men have no problems because of their gender.

For centuries, gender has played an impediment role for women in a lot of aspects where it shouldn’t have and now is the time to change that. While it may not have been an entire fault of men for why this structure developed but now, no one is happy with it so, change is necessary.

Why I prefer the term Gender Equality over Feminism?

Winners and finalists of our art contest Drawing 4 Equality — IEMed

Although the terms loosely mean the same, feminism has a growing negative connotation to it. Feminism is nowadays linked to a superficial movement which is just validation for badly raised women to create a mess in the name of their rights. Although that is not why I prefer gender equality. I prefer it because the word feminism reinforces the idea of the gender binary, that there is only one oppressor and one oppressed. While neither of them is true, we all are victims and criminals in this quagmire in different proportions but it is true that a cishet-male is the most privileged person out there. The term gender equality is ambiguous in its identity but conspicuous in its agenda. It simply demands equality of all genders, while not defining any, which is welcoming to people who identify as non-binary. If we are fighting a movement already for equality then why not widen it to include everyone and not just women, let the forces unite and the agendas be more inclusive. Afterall, uplifting a section of society while degrading others is still discrimination.

Who is the biggest enemy of the “Gender-Equality” movement?

Gender Equality — Artolution

While the popular answer should be Men, who are the most privileged from the situation. Anyone who has ever had some sort of privilege in life will protect it. Resistance is natural and must be dealt with accordingly. More often than not, the privileged are often unaware of the advantage they have and frankly uneducated of others’ disadvantages. Funny thing is a lot of men are just ignorant about it, and they are often swayed to be a misogynist by the few manipulative men. These men need to be re-educated.

Now, back to answering my question, the real enemies are the oppressed who does not believe they deserve their freedom and the perpetrators who actively reinforce that belief. So, men who push you to “man up” are the culprit. The women who frame innocent men in dowry and rape cases are the culprit. Gay men who prey on straight boys are the culprit. The industry that pushes women to believe that their physical appearance is all that matters is the culprit. Men are just a part of the whole system that is the culprit.

What exactly is the right feminism?

Before answering, let u see why this question come in the picture. Today, feminism as a movement is shown to be diluted. People have the opinion that it is nothing more than an attention calling. Look at this example-

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Similar arguments have trickled down through ages. To answer my question now, everything you see above is feminism. It is being someone who frees children from child marriages to someone who will not let her clothing take the fall for atrocities done by someone else. Feminism is not just huge movements and about creating revolutions. It is not just pushing girls into studies, job and positions they necessary not wish to be in. It is not ladies night at a club or a marketing gimmick for a corporation. It is not declaring how a menstruating woman is a goddess or how a woman is who makes the family and she will do it all. Feminism is to let women be held accountable the same way a man is done and given the same slack and opportunity when she does not rise to the occasion. Gender equality dictates that we should be done away with gender roles and assumptions.

Feminism is not a power suit-clad women who whiz at everything she does, but a woman who is good at her work and the power suit should be the last thing that determines it. Feminism is to make girls realise how they are worthy of doing things they wish to. Periods are nothing to be celebrated about, but definitely not a disadvantage or taboo either. It is just a bodily cycle.

Maybe there is no right way to define it, but yes there definitely is a wrong way to do it. Let us take something as simple as not wearing a bra or makeup. Wearing them or not is not just a matter of feminism, it is a matter of individual choice. Why gender equality helps the aforesaid notion is that the population do not see it as an obligation then but more as a choice. Feminism is not about unwillingness to wear a bra or that a bra is a demon that we need to abolish. It is about “a bra is no different than a vest and should be just treated so”. Additionally, it is is not just celebrating women’s day but also celebrating men’s day and working to create a dialogue to make things better at home, which is a shared responsibility for both.

Who is responsible for the change?

While the correct answer is WE ALL ARE! But we know that power balance is not in hands of women right now. Women have been pushing the agenda for a long time, and now it is time for men, to do the manly thing and help the ladies out. Manipulative and horrible people will continue to exist in all genders but to ensure thay they are all neutralised, men have to step up. You have the power to raise a family and a community which will be on the right side of history. Even if you do not want to do it for the women, do it for yourself, set yourself free of the burden the world puts on you.

Final Words?

Changes are hard, endless and daunting experiences. It is not easy to bring one but if you do, that is a great thing. There will always be an impediment to it, but as long as you keep moving forward, it doesn’t matter how slow you are. Every human has the right to equal opportunities. While things like geographies, politics and economy are detrimental factors, gender should not be one. Don’t crib that how things are changing just because it is not gratifying you instantly, what matters is that when future generation will come, you should be someone they are thankful for.

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