The Quarantine Diaries

It was the turn of the decade, the ’20s were rolling in and people were making merry to you know to start the year all nice and good. Foolishly we assumed that the new day will bring us new opportunities, bliss, hopes and will help us seize the year. What nobody expected was how this whole year (how much of it has passed) is like a fucking seizure. As if my personal issues were not letting me be at peace this beer named bitch came up and fucked the whole world. If you still think who I am talking about? It is indeed COVID-19 or Coronavirus. Not gonna start a history lecture here but to put it short-

Like every fairy tale, It all started in a kingdom far far away.

A disease created havoc on the kingdom and the countries just stood and watched like it is not a big deal.

People did not exercise caution quickly, thinking this “Chinese virus” (Ignorant!) will live up to the reputation of everything made in china.

Now when people were advised nicely to stay inside, guess the reaction.

Now, this bitch was not some basic ass hoe, almost 2 months and 300K patients later.

So yeah, countries like mine, who do not want to have a piece of it went like.

And our houses, couches and beds went like.

So yeah kids! that is how basically this chapter of history was created, and largely why we are in a lockdown. Now I am a young, taking the world by its horns, active (in his head) youth with a nice job and a chill life, who just wasn’t ready to be caged. Extroversion, social anxiety and obesity none of them go well with staying indoors but then right now agenda is very clear-

So what to do? Why not just document the whole thang for the historians who might find this gem after hours and hours of searching through renegading Tik-Toks or thirsty ass- pics.

Specs & the City Presents

The Quarantine Diaries


Day 1- Werk from Home!

Day 2- Love Aaj Kal(inary)

Day 3- OOTD- Overthinking Of The Day

Day 4- Where’s Weekend?!

Day 5- The Quaroutine

Day 6- The Rebel Conundrum

Day 7- The Nostalgia Siren

Day 8- Throwback- The Navratri in Man

Day 9- The Digital Deride

Day 10- The Sedation Vacation

Day 11-13 – Gimmick, Government and #GoCorona

Day 14-19 – Productivity Paranoia

Day 20-21 – Will We Be the Same?

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